TECHNOEXPERT services and activity
TechnoExpert Scientific and Technical Center was established in 2006 in Moscow. Our aim was to set up a highly professional expert center for provision of services in industrial safety sphere in the Russian market.
Currently TechnoExpert is a stably developing and highly reputed company in the industrial safety market, the major area of activities is performance of industrial safety expertise on dangerous production facilities as well as legal and consulting services on certification and obtainment of permits for application of technical equipment and licenses.
TechnoExpert is increasing the range of services that it can offer to its clients: performance of the industrial safety expertise, various types of certification, industrial safety attestation, elaboration of supporting documentation for obtainment of licenses of the Federal Agency on Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor), EMERCOM, Federal Security Office of Russia and other types of technical documentation.
TechnoExpert Scientific and Technical Center plans to expand its presence in the international market in the near future. And the first stage was the opening of a representation office in Czech Republic in 2008, which became a certain platform for development of subsequent business in Europe. For a long time of expertise we’ve established good relations with USA and Canada. Among our customers and friends we can name: Schlumberger Logelco Inc. (Panama), СЕА Ргосеss Еngineering А/S (previous name Niro А/S) (Denmark), Russian branch office of Halliburton International Inc. (USA), UKZ OJSC, Yekaterinburg.
In 2010, in interests of training in the sphere of industrial safety of managers and specialists of customers supervised by the Federal Agency on Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, we took a decision to set up TechnoExpert educational center on the basis of TechnoExpert Scientific and Technical Center. The decision was taken within the frameworks of the general strategy of whole range of services provision by TechnoExpert Group.
In the light of the increasing number of technogenic and environmental catastrophes issues of industrial safety acquire greater significance, that’s why competent managers and specialists want to have the most urgent and interesting information in the industrial safety sphere. This is necessary for the maximum prevention of emergencies, conflict situations with supervision bodies and other risks related to operation of dangerous objects. TechnoExpert educational center provides this possibility to them.
We work and everybody needs our work. There is no shortage of expert centers in the industrial safety market, there is shortage of experts, in professionals who know their work. And we strive to fill this vacuum.
Great working experience in this sphere, consumer orientation, high qualification of employees, conformance to ethical and professional norms, efficiency and quality of services is our creed.
- Evaluation of the situation conducted by our experts will allow at early stages to monitor and to identify possible problems in the future.
- Support by our experts of documentation at all stages will allow immediate reaction to the changing situation, which allows obtaining the required result.
- Working with us you are not just get rid of troubles connected with receipt of permissive documentation, you also get a confidence that you can be involved in your main activity as professionals take care of all the rest.
Our clients are the best confirmation of our reliable and permanent work of our company.
Our clients are the best confirmation of reliable and stable work of our company.
Complex services on obtainment of permits for application of equipment issue by Rostekhnadzor of Russia:
- performance of industrial safety expertise of a technical device (approval of expertise in Rostekhnadzor of RF);
- approval of methods of performance of tests in Rostekhnadzor of RF;
- development and approval of Specifications (TUs).
Legal support of documents for receipt of a license:
- license of the Federal Agency on Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor);
- railroad licenses.
Huge working experience and qualifications of our experts allow performance of certification in the shortest possible time:
- receipt of conformance certificates in the GOST R system;
- receipt of ISO certificates;
- receipt of Declarations of Conformity;
- receipt of sanitary and epidemiological certificates (hygiene certificates);
- receipt of fire safety certificates;
- certification of explosion-proof electric equipment.
Performance of industrial safety expertise and its approval in bodies of Rostekhnadzor of Russia:
- expertise of design documentation for construction, extension, reconstruction, technical upgrade, conservation and liquidation of a dangerous production facility;
- expertise of technical devices applied at a dangerous production facility;
- expertise of industrial safety declarations;
- expertise of buildings and construction at a dangerous production facility;
- expertise of other documents related to operation of dangerous production facilities.
- execution of industrial safety expertise of a dangerous production facility;
- registration of the object in the a dangerous production facilities register;
- training of managers and experts in the industrial safety sphere;
- elaboration and approval of declarations, plans of emergency localization and liquidation (PLAS), plans of prevention and liquidation of oil and oil derivatives’ spills (PLARN);
- attestation of industrial safety experts;
- safety data sheet of a dangerous production facility;
Please apply to our managers by phone by issues of execution and receipt of licenses for application, Rostekhnadzor licenses, industrial safety expertise, GOST R and ISO certificates, as well as attestation of your specialists:
+7 (495) 22-55-295 (multi-channel phone line).
Send a request by e-mail:
We would be glad to response, to tell, to explain and to do.